Temperature set to rise around 45°C with possible rain in the UAE

Rain in the UAE
A chance for a rain forecast this weekend
Friday was a hot and dusty day with temperature rising and increasing humidity close to 85 percent.The lowest temperature expected is 19°C, with the NCM forecasting increasing cloud cover, particularly over the eastern coast. It also warned of strong north-westerly winds of up to 40kph that could kick up dust clouds and cut visibility.Into the weekend, the NCM forecast more cloud cover and hazy weather over some of inland UAE.“Low clouds [could] appear over the eastern coast by morning with a probability of some convective cloud formation over the mountains by afternoon,” the NCM said. Wind could reach speeds of 40kph.On Sunday, the NCM said there could be a chance of rain in the east.“[It will be] fair to partly cloudy in general and hazy at times during [the] daytime over some [interior] areas … with a chance of rainy convective clouds forming eastward by afternoon.Recently the UAE has gone through a period of unsettled weather with several days of dusty weather.


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